Pokemon Facil
PokeFacil ajuda em geral para pokemononline.com.br, conhecido como PO ou Pokemon Online SvKe.
quarta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2009
Nervous Growlithe ($485)
Local: Vermillion.
Quem: Official Jane.
Recompensa: 485$
Requisitos: 15 Bones e level 25.
Metodo: Bone dropa de Cubone e Marowak.
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Quests NPC's (Level 5 - 10)
Albert - New Medicine
Aya - Ninja Training
Bob - Charmander's Flare
Dayse Oak - Message/Trade
Guru - Fishing level
Julie - Ratatta's and the Apples
Mia - Sad Butterfree
Oficial Jenny - The important message
Quests NPC's (Level 10 - 20)
Colin - The Magic Potion
Official Jane - Nervous Growlithe
Quests NPC's (Level 20 - 30)
Flint - Stones Orbs Quest
Susy - Leaves Quest